Sunday 27 November 2022


 Hi my pity reader :)

   Is there anyone who knows anything about wikies? Yes, of course you know something but you will have more informations thanks to this post.


                                                                      taken from here

   The term wiki is derived from Hawaiian phrase, wiki wiki, which means quick. A wiki is a tool enabling online-group collaboration and asynchronous communication. It is a website whose users can add, modify, and delete it's content via a web browser. Collaborative learningconnectivismcreativity and innovationinformation literacy are the most important notions which are aimed to be used by the learner. Wikitravel, wikihow, wikibooks, wiktionary, fandom, and gamepedia are some kind of wikis.

                                                              taken from here

   Creating a film review on wikipedia was our assignment of this week. Every student has a peer, mine is Tuğba Yeşilmen. We choose a very interesting and unrealistic film which is The Invention of Lying . First, we watched it individually and took notes about it's plot, music, climax etc. Then we come together and wrote our review according to rules that we should obey, the rules giving the basic structure of review of the film like plot, cast, production, reception. Readers and writers can make commends on other's review. Thanks to this access, both readers and writers are involved and this enhances the participation of students, success of learnering and acquisition of writing ability. Even if you and your peer are not in the same place, you have the access of making changing and editing.As a collaborarive writing tool, wikis should certainly be used by students in learning. I really enjoyed so much while doing this assignment. You should certainly read the review we made about 'The Invention of Lying' on wikipedia. 

read the review

   You my pity reader can also read my cute peer's, Tuğba Yeşilmen, blog to have more information about this assignment from here .

   Do not forget to make comment.


Monday 14 November 2022


 Hi my pity reader :) 

   Is there anyone heard about the 21st century learning and skills before? I can see that you are shaking your head as no. Then, just read this post. 

                                                                         taken from here

    21st century is the age of technology and creativity. Thanks to technology, there has been lots of development and advancement in the field of education. Creativity, time management, and collaboration are some important terms which are the effects of the technology. In today's world, learner should pay attention to these terms so as to learn and comprehend the target topic better. Besides of these terms; digital literacy, which means having the skills reader needs to learn in a society where communication and access to information is considerably increasing through digital technology such as internet platforms, social medias, and mobile devices, is another skill that you need to use in learning. 


                                                                  taken from  here
   Additively, the students born to this century or keep up with the technological developments are called as digital natives, while the ones who meet to technology later and cannot get used to it are called digital immigrants. These two terms underline the today's education system. That is why both teachers and students should have the ability to use the technologıcal tools in education. Courses and their contents should also be adapted to the 21st century learning in terms of learning skills and teaching techniques.


                                                                taken from here
   The focus should be on the student while using technological tools in classrooms. Learning should be learner-oriented. Student should be the one both producing and consuming.
   Do not forget to make comment.

Thursday 10 November 2022


taken from here


Hi my pity reader :)

Welcome to my blog. I will share posts about Educational Technology which I am taking as an assignment. You will be reading lots of posts about technology and education. I hope you will enjoy and be englightened while reading.




Hi my pity reader,   It's hard to believe that we've come to the end of the semester. It was a very beneficial and permanent term fo...