Saturday 14 January 2023


   Hi my pity reader :)

     I hope all you are well my precious readers 😊. I really can't believe how time passed so fast. I just remember the first time that I create this blog and the difficuties I have experienced, which are now just seems as entertainment and basic aside from being hard.                     

     The tools and informations I have learned from educational technology lesson are definitelly something I will remember as long as I survive. I will again definitelly use the activities I learned from my precious and  honorableness teacher and I hope I will be like her in tems of point of view. All the tasks that we have done were related to 21st century learning. As a prospective teacher, I am in the opinion of use all the modern tools related to both learning and teaching of English such as podcasting, filmreview, movie poster and so on. ( These are the ones that I liked more.) Thanks to this course, I became more aware of myself, socialised with my friends and learned lots of thing not only collabortively but also individually. 

                                                                    taken from here

     I will continue to use my blog page both for educational aim and for normal life experiences. As a teacher candidate, I will write about my teaching experience in the future and make my teacher inform about the awareness that she raised on me by teaching all these tasks, information, and point of view.

     Do not forget to make comment. 




  Hi my pity reader :)

      Today , I am going to talk about the last assignment of the term. It was creating a moive poster of my favourite book. Canva and Poster My Wall are the apps that students can choose from to be able to crate the poster of the movie. I used canva while creating the poster. The most obvious  difference between this assignment and the others is that movie poster creating was an activity which is done individually while the others was focusing on collaborative working. 



                                                                       taken from here

     I choose my favourite book named Serenade whose writer is Zülfü Livaneli. It is the most incredible and magnificent book that I have ever read. Thanks to my canva exprience, it became an immortal example of a movie poster(!). I was the producer of the film and the writer  was the director. Use of canva is so simple and entertaining. that is why, I almost had no difficulties while doing the assignment as a student who is using it for the first time. 


     I highly recommend to the teachers and students to use canva as a tool in teaching and learning, which is both suitable to different learning styles and effective, longlasting learning. 

     Do not forget to make comment.

Sunday 8 January 2023


  Hi my pitty reader:)

    Today I am going to tell about my dijital story creating assignment. To be honest, it was the most hard one that I have ever experienced but it was also so well-worthing. So, what is dijital storytelling and how can it be used in 21st century learning in English classes? DS combines oral tradition of storytelling with visual and sound capabilities of dijital media to share the information about target topic. Skills like creativity, critikal thinking, and speaking develop thanks to DS.


taken from here

    Let's talk about our assignment, we choose to create a  PSA (Public Service Announcement). TuÄŸbaEsma was my group friends, we create our video together. We chose smoking as a topic because of  being a widespread issue all around the world. First, we wrote our script that we record right after for using PSA. Second we gathered images and gifts related to the topic and we chose a music (The soundtrack of The Instellar). Finially, we brought them together thanks to an app called InShot and it is ready!           

                                                                    click to watch

   It was both exciting and difficult. I really enjoyed it so much, I and my friends have a good time together again thanks to this assignment. That is why, it is certainly an upcoming, modern tool that should be used in foreign language classes.

 Do not forget to make comments.



Hi my pity reader,   It's hard to believe that we've come to the end of the semester. It was a very beneficial and permanent term fo...